I am at my parents in Prairie Grove, Arkansas where I can actually get a computer to work to allow me to blog. Our super internet blocker has been blocking blogger ever since they made the new changes. The picture above is from a Christmas past, probably 4 or 5 years ago, at the Riley household. Dad always loves Christmas and is extravagant in giving. In fact, although he has never been a church goer he has taught me more about being generous than anyone else I know. My son, Tanner, now 8, enjoyed the fruits of the Christmas shown above and below.
What thrills my heart is that Tanner has that generous heart passed on from my dad. This year Tanner took on the role of teaching us all what giving is about. We arrived back from the University of the Nations to quite a bit of work. We often found ourselves still up at midnight working on the house, unpacking, Christmas, etc. As a result we ended up with only one afternoon to shop for everyone for Christmas and we simply didn’t have time to take any of the kids to let them shop for their brother and sister. Tanner, without either Tara or I knowing, made or found presents for everyone in the family, wrapped them himself secretly, and hid them under the tree. So, this morning when we were all passing out the presents we were all surprised by incredible gifts from our little giver.
I hope to be able to blog from home soon. I have often thought of a “postable” note, but have been unable to share them (perhaps it’s been a blessing in disguise to you). I just wanted to write this while i had five minutes (even though my family keeps asking where I am and wanting me to join them). If things don’t work out with blogger, please be on the lookout for a post that says I’ve switched to some new site.