Kay at Chaotic Spirit just tagged me as a part of the 10-20-30 meme that is flying around. She was tagged by a Memer and Blogger Extraordinaire, John Smulo. So, here goes:
Ten years ago, 1997, I was 26 and had just switched jobs to being an employment lawyer for the largest private employer in America – Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. I was quite proud of my accomplishment and relished my new job. My wife and I moved back to Northwest Arkansas and began the hunt for a “new church home.” We lived in four different places in about that many months and hadn’t even experienced our first pregnancy. I was, however, beginning to put back on the weight I lost (and more) in the next paragraph.
Twenty years ago, 1987, at the ages of 15 and 16, I was ending my junior year of high school and beginning my senior year, preparing to graduate in 1988. I was enjoying most things about my life except that I greatly wished that girls liked me more. I actually lost about 30 pounds that year. Mostly up on life, you could find me on occasion in my bedroom cranking up Journey, Air Supply or REO Speedwagon and singing horribly at the top of my lungs.
Thirty years ago, 1977, at the age of 6, my family prepared for a move from Oklahoma to Arkansas. We moved my mom’s dad, Herbert Sharp, in with us and he was my best friend. He was dying of prostate cancer, and his death and yet another move to Florida in 1979 were very difficult on me. I do recall praying a prayer at a VBS that year, while still in Oklahoma, but I still had yet to meet Jesus. That came later, in 1980, out of the depths of great darkness.
Whom to tag? Alan Knox. Alan Cross. Alyce Lee Faulkner. Paul Burleson (Paul tell us where you were in your journey of grace!). Wade Burleson.
Thank you, Kay, for thinking of me and for a fun stroll.