It’s really hard to believe that this little guy turns 10 years old today. Tanner Gracen Riley was born on December 3, 1998, around 9:30 in the evening. Tara had labored to have him for nearly 20 hours, being awakened in the middle of the night by Tanner’s foot knifing through his bubble, breaking the bag of waters 6 days early. I suppose he was ready to come out.
He is a joy. He loves to make people happy. He is always thinking creatively. He sees things the rest of us don’t, finding beauty in every landscape, flower and person. He loves to discover a new adventure in a book or in real life, finding ways to make us laugh.
His wisdom is great and his desire to show hospitality even greater. He takes on responsibility and hopes to help others do what’s right. It’s great fun watching him grow older, wiser, more attentive, and more compassionate. He truly makes both his mom and dad very proud.