Prophetic Warning from David Wilkerson
What do you think of this? Click here to see David Wilkerson's blogpost about a vision he has of an...
What do you think of this? Click here to see David Wilkerson's blogpost about a vision he has of an...
My wife started reading a book aloud to me last night and I thought it worth reprinting here. In Heaven...
Ryan Seacrest began American Idol tonight with something like this: They left their families behind; they put their jobs aside;...
Two years ago Tara, our 3 kids, and I packed up and flew to Birmingham, England, to move into The...
Wow. I see the stock market continues to fall. I pray that God will strip away all things that keep...
And now, for the important things of life... NOT. Nevertheless, I watch American Idol when I can and enjoy seeing...
I often feel overwhelmed by noise. In the midst of all the noise God calls us to rest. A great...
God knows what He is doing. Do you believe that? God has plans for each of us. And God gives...
I am simply thinking out loud in response to the above question because I haven't a clue. I know that...
Read the last couple of chapters of Exodus, Exodus 39 and 40. You will quickly see a theme. Nearly every...