Still Complaining?
I've been offline more than I've been online in the past 4 or 5 months, but I am attempting to...
I've been offline more than I've been online in the past 4 or 5 months, but I am attempting to...
We are so quick to judge what is bad and what is good. Someone has cancer: BAD. Someone gets a...
The Riley family has been in Houston during Hurricane Ike to spend time with Tara's parents. Tara's parents have been...
Paul Burleson, an amazing pastor in Oklahoma, pointed his blog readers to this incredible article related to Sarah Palin's lovely...
In the face of Hurricane Ike, as we sit about 60 miles from the projected landfall point (click here to...
John 15 is such a rich summary of what we are called to as imitators/followers/disciples of Christ and Sons and...
For the past several weeks I've had a tape running through my head. I've been wondering what in the world...
Living in community is one of the most challenging trials I have ever faced, but, as can be seen in...
Given the fact we've been out of the country for so long I am finding myself greatly interested in reading...
"May integrity and uprightness protect me, because my hope is in you." Psalm 25:21. It's funny how being in your...