While eating with a friend today he looked me in the eye and shared some incredible perspective - the kind...
While eating with a friend today he looked me in the eye and shared some incredible perspective - the kind...
In my blogroll I link to Molly. Why do I link to her? This post illustrates why. It's a good...
But it's not the kind one might think. It's worse. I don't know about you, but it seems like I...
May our hearts' desires in 2008 be the same as God's has been eternally, a heart for relationship and reconciliation!...
Some of the most familiar and exciting verses in Scripture include Jesus telling us that He is gentle: "Come to...
God has been speaking to me more and more about gentleness. It seems to be one (likely of many) virtue...
I thoroughly enjoyed reading Pope Benedict XVI's Christmas messages this holiday season. I thought I would reprint some of them...
This video is about ten minutes, but it demonstrates God's love and forgiveness. It is so incredible to see the...
I was just watching pictures of our time in the Philippines appear on my computer screen and I couldn't help...