Stand in the Gap!
God looked down on Israel and saw a greedy and idolatrous land that was oppressing the poor and not administering...
God looked down on Israel and saw a greedy and idolatrous land that was oppressing the poor and not administering...
Jon Bon Jovi, who has one of the best male voices on the radio, once sang a tune about the...
This morning I was reading a few blogposts and came across this gem: Just Jesus Himself, by John Lynch. What...
I don't live like I do. I struggle to pray. I say little prayers here and there and sometimes have...
A new "happening" among some great bloggers is a synchroblog, where each are focusing on a single theme and linking...
What do we teach every child about Jesus??? Jesus loves me This I know For the Bible tells me so......
Kay at Chaotic Spirit just tagged me as a part of the 10-20-30 meme that is flying around. She was...
Yep. I give in. Doctrine saves. Check it out. Be diligent in these matters; give yourself wholly to them, so...
Moses saw God. Moses reflected God's glory. He didn't just know facts about God. He wasn't just knowledgeable that God...